Easy Monthly Payment Options
Do you need flexible monthly payment options? Our flagship monthly payment program with CareCredit allows for very low monthly payments on your part. With payments as low as $25 per month (depending on treatment size) why not get all your dental work done so you can start smiling. You have no more excuses, pick up the phone and call today.
ZERO Interest and No-Down-Payments
Our office has a variety of payment options to help you get the dental treatment and healthcare that you need as quickly as possible. Dental treatment should not be only available to those who can afford it. With flexible monthly payment options with ZERO interest and no-down-payment, San Jose’s Evergreen Dentists is your premier dental provider.
We Accept Visa and MasterCard
We accept both Visa and Mastercard credit cards for your convenience. And, for parents dropping off their kids, we accept credit card payments right over the phone. For additional convenience, we also accept ATM cards with the Visa or MasterCard. This way you never have to write cumbersome checks or carry your bulky checkbook. For more details, please call our office.