July 6, 2009January 9, 2020Patient Reviews, Word of Mouth Tristan Rodriguez Gives You Cosmetic Insight on Crowns Tristan Rodriguez is an accountant locally in the Bay Area and has been a patient for years. He now gives us his […]
July 4, 2009October 6, 2016Patient Reviews, Word of Mouth Vincent Gives You A Little Bit of Info on Dr. J and the Staff at Evergreen Dentists Vincent found us through the grapevine and decided to give our services a try. He seems to like our services and the […]
July 4, 2009Patient Reviews, Word of Mouth Vincent Gives You A Little Bit of Info on Dr. J and the Staff at Evergreen Dentists Vincent found us through the grapevine and decided to give our services a try. He seems to like our services and the […]
June 22, 2009October 6, 2016Feature, Patient Reviews, Word of Mouth Juliena Gives You the Skinny on San Jose Dental Office Juliena and her whole family has been seen and visited our dental office. All in all the experience has been great for […]